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Pinot Gris - Cuvée de la Reine Clotilde (HALF DRY)

Pinot Gris - Cuvée de la Reine Clotilde (HALF DRY) (2020)

Wine with notes of stewed fruit, breadcrumbs, with a toasted and grilled character.

The attack is supple. It is a harmonious, fat and consistent wine. Aromas of butter and hazelnuts are revealed in retroolfaction.

  • Serving suggestions / Wine : This wine can be served with prepared fishes and different meats: chicken, turkey, capon, veal, veal kidneys, and quiches. Perfect for vol-au-vent (pastry), or some cheeses like Fourme or St Nectaire.
  • Serving temperature : 10-12°C
  • Keeping : 5 à 7 ans

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